HI, I'm Ivan

Introduction //

My name is Ivan, and I want to try everything. I've always been a believer in the power of people - I think people are awesome, and, as such, I'm convinced that seemingly ordinary people are capable of extraordinary things. This blog is a collection of stories of an Everyman trying new things, new experiences, and new ideas. I expect to fail hard (and hilariously), have random successes, and all in all provide entertainment (and maybe inspiration?).

First of all - this is me
this-is-me And I make a lot of interesting faces. You'll be seeing a lot of those faces in videos to come.

Speaking of videos...

My videos will be... interesting (hopefully). Each video will represent a new challenge, or "try". I will take a baseline reading of whatever skills in the particular area I might have (this could be a baseline physical assessment, a baseline artistic assessment, etc...) that might be relevant to the challenge... really to illustrate that I kind of suck at a lot of things.

I'll then probably make some cool time-lapsed training montage and overlay some mind blowing dubstep drops (or, you know, 80's rock) to show how I prepared myself for the try. I'll finish every video up with the end result of that weeks try, and will definitely make sure to emphasize the bloopers.

This blog will be a good way to keep my audience (...you...) up to date with the latest and greatest developments (probably mostly along the lines of "check out this awesome bruise I just gave myself!") and a place to show off my final videos, blooper reels, accomplishments, failures... all that fun jazz.

In terms of what I'm hoping to accomplish...

I'm 27 years old. And while that might not seem very old to a lot of people, to me, it's pretty old. If I'd asked 17-year-old Ivan what 27-year-old Ivan would be doing, I would have said "He'll obviously own an island called Ivanotopia that is also a spaceship". I do not own an island, nor do I own a spaceship. I'm a pretty average guy, actually. However, as a 27 year old, I am very curious. There are a lot of things in my life that I've wanted to try and I never mustered up the stamina or the motivation to do so... and I'm not alone! So, I decided that, this year, I'm going to actually go out and try all of these cool things that I've always wanted to try. And I'm going to suck at them, but that's okay - I might actually find out that I'm pretty good at some of this stuff. I was to prove that an average person can go out and do the things that they want to do, the things they think are cool, and not need to be afraid of failure. I want to prove that, with just a little motivation, an everyman can have all the adventure that they want.

And, I really want to learn how to make awesome videos.

So, join me on my adventures. I can promise that you will most likely laugh a lot at my antics, and I hope I can inspire that moment of "well if this guy can try this, so can I!".

And now, for your viewing pleasure - baby sloths (not my video).

Hello, and welcome to my blog
