Category: Ivan Parra-Orlandoni

videography //

I've Finally Finished! This is a big day for me - I finally managed to take the time and finish editing my first ever video. Now, I'm going to caveat this right away by saying that it's not very good. It was more of an exploration of different techniques than anything else - it doesn't have too much of a story. However, content-wise, I dressed it up with like 2 solid minutes of my dog playing in the snow with some smooth jazz playing in

videography //

Film editing is fun Who knew? I've literally never cut a film of any kind before, let alone produced and published one. Needless to day, I'm fairly proud of how this came out! It's not very intriguing quite yet - this really is just the intro. I'm planning on adding more to it tomorrow, and hopefully finishing it by Wednesday. That's right, it's going to be a trilogy - like the Star Wars of amateur filmography (pay attention to the Star Wars easter egg :-p)

videography //

I grew up in New Jersey For the bulk of my formative years (from around 10 onwards). During my time in Jersey, I learned that schools very rarely cancel for anything short of a natural disaster. We had days were school wasn't cancelled even with a foot of snow on the ground because the infrastructure was just too darned good - my county had the roads pristine by morning, without fail. ='( I currently live in Virginia, where the words "snow accumulation" immediately sends everyone

videography //

So today marked the first true attempt at filming for the vlog. My goal is to make a 10-20 second intro reel (because I feel like intro reels are legit) and put some cool music and effects into it (remember, I'm very much an amateur videographer). So, as all the online resources have helpfully pointed out, all good videos start with raw footage. Thus, I took the opportunity to start filming some raw footage on the ride down to Virginia from New Jersey. IKEA yielded

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The title says it all - videography is hard! I was out and about in Philadelphia today (along with my lovely mother, who's birthday it was!) and I tried taking some video shots for my vlog intro reel - epic fail. Firstly, it was cloudy and gross today, so the light was rough. Secondly, it was snowing. Thirdly, it was cold. Fourthly - I'm not a videographer. Thankfully, I have cute pictures of my dog, Loki, to save this post: It was Loki's third birthday
